Two days ago, my uncle Mike died.
Two days before that he barely struggled through his last shower.
Two days before that he drove to work like any other day.
The above timeline was inspired by the actual words of his wife, my aunt, as she described the voracity of the cancer that was in the process of consuming her 42 year old husband. I was really affected by her telling of these events, and I hoped that I could capture it so you could feel the torture and confusion that filled her words Easter day.
Last weekend, Mindy and I were working at a home show in Novi when I got a call from Stacy telling me that my uncle Mike had cancer. In fact as it turns out, he was riddled with it. His lungs, his liver, his lymph nodes, his bones.
It really exposes the future for the empty illusion that it is. Remember to keep your life in order everyday. Remind someone you love what they mean to you today because that's the last thing they might have from you.